The advanced state of Lotto games
Streaming 24/7 broadcast studio draws with professional presenters and instant results, anywhere on the planet every 1-5 minutes, 24hrs a day!
customizable studios
full support
our own games
daily draws
All-in-one solution
We developed our own live streaming feed system (LIW Games) using 4 beautiful customizable multi-location studios, state-of-the-art mechanical drums and real, professional presenters. We make results instant and keeping players fully engaged.

Own drums and balls

Beautifully designed ui

Intuitive and simple ux

Special jackpot games

Proprietary tech

Continous live stream

Adjustable odds

Trained human presenters
Fully adaptable to your requirements
State-of-the-art mechanical drum machines

Fast paced games

Total accuracy

Maximum durability
- Instant results (for each ball drawn).
- Maximum draw frequency.
- Total accuracy.
- Engineered for maximum durability.
- Enduring, futuristic design.
- Fully adaptable to the requirements of branding and betting odds.
- Built-in safety mechanism monitoring and problem resolution.
all-in-one solution
Easy integration of our elegant product
Our intuitive and beautifully crafted interfaces offered by our team of gaming and tech professionals are built to allow unobstructed playtime for players and total transparency and control for managers. They are elegant, simple, and without lag time offering a robust but intuitive control.

More than 20 distinct games
Our own fast-paced games
20+ engaging games including special and jackpot options are market proven to deliver best results with profit margins adjustable to your needs.

Multi-location studios
Beautiful & customizable
Exciting LIW Games are avaliable through 4 studios. 48 balls studio provides a mix of casino games, lottery, and betting on live events. Players can bet on three different games every four minutes with up to 180 draws daily. 20 balls studio offers over 400 daily draws. In 37 balls studio, players can enjoy a roulette inspired lottery game, and 80 balls studio takes everyone to the world of Keno games.

Get in touch
If you want a deeper look into our products and services, please feel free to contact us.

24/7 live stream and up-to-date draw results
With our continuous 24/7 live stream and instant results system, the players are more engaged and that converts to longer play time giving players more opportunities to place an extra bet.
Latest news

Lottery Live awarded supplier licence in Malta
Obtained on 24 October, the corporate group critical gaming supply licence allows Lottery Live to provide its online casino games to operators in Malta for the next 10 years.

Lottery Live at ICE Totally Gaming 2022
The drum at the expo was running for 3 days straight without any glitches and we’ve also received feedback that it looks like the best ‘’popcorn’’ drum machine ever built.

We attended Ice London @ Excel London
We attended Ice London @ Excel London in February 2020.